How we protect our developers from burning out

How we protect our developers from burning out

Even if the code is sparkling and the agile processes are blooming, many hurdles in a project can make you feel like you need a change.

Cross-functional teams sometimes feel like a good bet, but it quickly becomes an overhead when you have to wait for someone across the globe to collaborate with. Companies do their best to compromise through the time zones, but meetings at 19:00 will quickly make you question if there could be a better place for you where you don’t need to organize your life around your meetings.

At DevZone, we make sure our developers are comfortable with the time zones and meetings of the teams that they integrate with. Here you can manage your own time, whether it is a 9 to 5, you are comfortable with or a completely flexible work schedule.

When a project is ending, oftentimes, you would shed a tear and look for a new job as the company cannot ensure that the next project aligns with your career, or sometimes there isn’t even a next project for months. Big gaps between projects can be very demotivating, and switching projects frequently is just as off-putting. We make sure to line up projects for you before your current assignment ends so that you can always feel enthusiastic about something new.

Sometimes when you hop jobs, you end up surrounded by starry-eyed padawans, but you didn’t sign up for being their Yoda, nor the project timeline lets you get away with checking every semicolon bug they need help with. At DevZone, we make sure you get what you sign up for. Some of our devs love teaching, and they have the opportunity to do so at schools we are affiliated with; other developers like to be surrounded by like-minded and similarly skilled software developers so that they can learn from them.

How do you measure your progress, and how do you know your work was good? On big projects giving feedback on your work often gets forgotten, and even if you are confident, it would be nice to hear how they found the latest features you implemented. DevZone periodically asks for feedback from our clients so that we can boost our developers’ confidence and knowledge.