Have you ever worked on a project that was on fire?

Have you ever worked on a project that was on fire

Have you ever switched jobs, and it turned out that the shiny new adventure you were so eager to start had quite a few issues lurking to take your enthusiasm right away? Here is how we make sure that our developers can work on projects that ensure their growth and work-life balance.

We encourage our clients to integrate developers into their communication channels and team meetings, which are essential for smooth, agile development. This way, we can make sure that the project’s goals and requirements are synchronized between clients and developers, and our developers can provide technical feedback to improve the product’s quality and boost the project’s speed. That being said, we also make sure to respect the personality of our devs; if you just want to code in peace, we can also support you.

At DevZone, we align projects with our developers’ professional goals; if you decide it is time to learn a new language or try out a new stack, we are happy to support your dreams and switch you to a project where you can polish your skills.

Do you like spaghetti? We aren’t a fan of it either; we make sure you don’t have to eat what someone else cooked. We vet the projects we take on to make sure they meet not only our way of working and core values but our technical standards as well.

When a developer at DevZone feels like a project is on fire despite our best efforts, we line up a new project for them as soon as possible and communicate the issues at hand to the client.