Electronic Health Records (EHR) have been around ever since the first computers have become available for hospitals, yet the COVID-19 pandemic has shone light on where it can still be improved upon. After EHRs other healthcare applications started to emerge to improve the accuracy of diagnosis, share information within the hospitals, and to manage patient medical history. Today, eHealth applications are also an important part of helping the patients manage their illnesses. For example diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, or physical therapy. These applications provide more data for the physicians and help keep track of their patient’s progress, which simplifies the doctor’s job. Staying connected through healthcare apps and having the opportunity to call or simply text their doctor when needed can ease the patient’s mind and decrease in-person visits further accelerating healthcare services.
The challenge
Healthcare digitization is on the rise and several applications are created to satisfy the rising need for making healthcare processes efficient and to ensure the quality provided for the patients and physicians. Patient data browsers can help healthcare professionals visualise a patients healthcare journey, in comparison to skimming through piles of papers about the patient’s medical history, this can mean vast amounts of data, thus leading to a faster and more thorough diagnosis. However, these applications may still miss the specific needs of the customer, and some of them are not intuitive enough to use for clinicians.
EHR record standards grow with time as the need for describing various events and processes arise. While there are data exchange standards (i.e.: FHIR ) in place, these standards are not set in stone and often have extensions and new additions to face the challenges in modern medicine. Hospital’s data centres might still store data in their own formats, thus making using modern applications difficult, and creating a need to adopt the FHIR standards or develop their own interoperability solutions.
How can Devzone help you?
Devzone developers have worked on a number of healthcare applications ranging from patient data management and visualisation applications to clinical statistics applications. We can create tailored software for you and would be glad to listen to your goals, ideas and to what you miss the most in today’s healthcare applications.