Specification and Requirements Management: the Basis for Successful Software Projects

The world of software development is full of promising ideas and ambitious goals. But the biggest difference between successful and failed projects lies not in the greatness of the idea, but in how accurately the needs and requirements are defined. If you don’t know exactly what you want, the project can easily go off the […]
Step Zero for software projects – vision and planning

A software project always starts with hope. The idea is there, the goals are outlined and the team is excited to get started. But are we really ready to go? Often we don’t stumble along the way, but make mistakes before we even take the first steps. And these small mistakes avalanche down the project […]
How to avoid becoming a software failure victim?

Software projects. An exciting initiative that most business leaders expect to transform their operations, making processes faster and more efficient. But the reality is that many of these projects don’t bring success — they bring disappointment, wasted time, and massive financial losses. One of the biggest risks in software projects is that companies invest significant […]
How did Clift Climbing innovate indoor climbing with DevZone’s senior developers?

How Did DevZone’s Senior developers Help a Startup Idea Succeed? How Did Clift Climbing Ltd. Revolutionize the Indoor Climbing Experience with a Mobile Application? How Did Clift Climbing Ltd. Grow So Much That They Now Serve 15 Indoor Climbing Gyms in 8 Countries, and Are Soon Expanding Their Presence in the USA and Other Continents? […]
Global Growth with a Team of 28 IT Specialists in 6 Years – How Is This Possible?

A Striking Team as a Service? Not a Problem for DevZone. DevZone successfully supported its partner to start global expansion and achieve significant, stable growth in just a few years. Almost the entire IT department of the company was provided by DevZone, which was crucial. They assembled, managed, and coordinated the team with the appropriate […]
How do we guarantee that we won’t take the know-how away?

Business leaders are often concerned that employees may have access to their company’s internal knowledge and thus pose a risk to the security of know-how. We think it’s important to clarify this issue and we want to assure you that there is no need to worry. Let’s look at how we can guarantee the security […]
5 Steps to Survival

What if a digital service fails? What happens in your head if you can’t access a digital service? Let’s have a look at that. When talking to colleagues and friends, we always find common ground – common interests, common knowledge, and experiences. It’s best to share positive stories in good humor, but life isn’t always […]
Freedom of Choice, or Who Is Responsible for a Software Development Project?

I recommend that all business owners and project managers read this article before starting any project. First of all, let’s look at the participants involved in a project: 1.) The client: He is responsible for defining the project objectives and requirements and providing the funding for the project. He promotes the communication of the client’s […]
How to Choose a Good T&M Software Development Company – How We Can Help You

Choosing a Time & Materials (T&M) software developer team when you’re stuck with a project can be a daunting task. Here are some key steps you can follow to help with the selection process: Define your requirements: What exactly are you stuck with? The more specific you can be about your needs, the better chance you […]
Why you should choose DevZone to extend your team

There can be several reasons why extending your team could be beneficial for you; here are a few. Reduce your time to market and keep your scope Problem: You do not have enough developers to meet the requirements or the timeline for delivering your application. Delivering a minimal product is the best approach for reaching […]